Predictive Noise Impact Modeling

Environmental Noise Control, Inc’s noise modeling program uses three-dimensional noise modeling software to predict project sound levels at specific sensitive receivers to determine the impact of noise on the environment.

ENC’s engineers use manufacturer data, the information provided by the relevant authorities, and/or field data to construct noise propagation models. The model considers weather conditions, topography, reflectivity, and frequency information in the calculations to determine compliance with regulatory requirements.

ENC’s modeling program enables its engineers to design & customize mitigation to meet the acoustical requirements of the project. Noise reduction measures such as sound barriers, berms, canopies, enclosures, and silencers are optimized to reduce project noise levels before mitigation is implemented efficiently.

Computer noise models, combined with years of engineering experience covering various equipment, allow ENC to provide the best acoustical solution for your project.

  • Predictive Noise Impact Modeling at a Glance:

  • Three-dimensional noise modeling & prediction tool
  • Noise mapping for short & long-range applications
  • Includes effects of weather conditions & topography
  • Mitigation design & prediction
  • Reduced noise mitigation costs when implemented in the design phase


Predictive Sound Modeling Mitigated

Predictive Noise Modeling Before

Aerial View of a Drill Site Utilizing ENC Sound Walls for Noise Blocking & Absorption


Predictive Sound Modeling Mitigated

Predictive Noise Modeling After

A Compliance Verification Computer-Generated Sound Model, Including ENC’s Sound Walls

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